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New year - new sport?

Try orienteering in 2025

Last edited: Sun 29 Dec 2024


SN welcomes new members of all ages and abilities to start finding their way (literally!) into the sport of orienteering. Whether you just want a regular excuse for some easy-paced fresh air and exercise close to home, or aspire to be our next international star, we have something for everyone in our friendly club.

Could 2025 mark the start of YOUR route into a new activity? Explore the links in the "New to Orienteering" sidebar, click on "Newcomers", or check out "Future Events", and give it a try. 'Read more' below for the real story of one family in SN who never imagined where orienteering would take them ...

In 2012, a family with no previous experience of orienteering went to a series of local taster sessions. It was the start of an amazing journey which continues to this day. Beginning with SN's local events, before progressing to more challenging navigation in less familiar areas, they have been encouraged and supported by the members and experienced coaches in the club, including current and former international orienteers who are only too willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

Twelve years later, and the eldest child is in the GB junior team and has competed overseas at a world championship. The younger two have both achieved regional representation and been selected for national coaching and training camps. The whole family have made new friends and visited so many new places through the shared enjoyment of adventure running in wild forests and hills (and a few cities!).

The sport also attracts many with less lofty ambitions or a few more years under their belt. The joy of being outdoors among like-minded people with a map and a new navigational challenge is enough to bring them back time and again. You are never too young or too old to discover the simple pleasure and sense of achievement that orienteering brings, at whatever pace suits you, and all in a friendly club environment run entirely by volunteers.

If you never give it a try, you'll never know where it could take you. Let 2025 be the start of your orienteering journey.