Woking Park (Race 1)
SN Double Sprint
Sat 31 August, 2019
Near: Level of event: LocalType of event: Race
Type of event: Race
Race 1 ... 2.1km (optimum route 3.3km)
Race 2 ...2.4km
Entry fee covers both event ... Yes two events for a ridiculously low price (same price for one event)
SN Adults £4
Juniors £3
Guest Adults £6
Email stevemckinley168@btinternet.com to reserve a place, Give name, age group, SI number (and club if not SN) start preference (see below) and if you need a hired dibber) Entries limited to 60. SN have priority until 24th August
Payment on the day.
Race 1 - Woking Park ... starts 12:00-13:00 Courses close 14:00
Race 2 - Gordon's School ... starts 17:30-18:30 Courses close at 19:30
Woking park - fast fun parkland ... Gordon's school is a collection of school buildings providing quick decision oing.
No dogs in the school please
If you are interested in doing a park run, please avoid Woking Park !!! There are plenty of others including Rushmoor, Frimley Lodge Park, Bracknell, etc etc
Please find a loo before you arrive at Woking … there are loos and a café but right in the middle of the area so please only use both after you have had your run 😊
The car park for Woking Park is at the far end under the multi-storey 5-aside pitches, behind the sports centre. Follow signs towards overflow car park https://www.google.com/maps/dir//51.3102657,-0.555552/@51.3093424,-0.5550962,559m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0 … parking allows for 3 hours free with some small charges after this please, pay if you are staying longer …
At registration there is a honesty box and a checklist – please just pay and cross off your name if neither Pete or I are there – and if you need a dibber just take one and write the number down by the side of your name.
We will be using SIAC touch free for those of you who have it with a punching start and finish – if you don’t have SIAC enabled please make sure you punch at each control site.
We will close the courses on time – since we need to move between events so please don’t be late 😊
Woking Park is fast open grassland – shorts and trainers are ideal
Race 2 is at Gordons School in the car park north of the A319 https://www.google.com/maps/dir/51.3442688,-0.6464211//@51.3444371,-0.6455636,181m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0
Some notes from Pete include …
Bagshot Rd, West End, Woking GU24 9PU
The car park is ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROAD TO THE SCHOOL (north side of A319 Bagshot Road)
Start/finish adjacent to car park.
Descriptions: X=seat O=post
Courses close 19:30 sharp.
We have about 10 places left over if you hear of anyone who still wants to come 😊
Planner (race 1)/Organiser (race 2): Steve Mckinley
Planner (race 2)/Organiser (race 1): Pete Jones
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser. Competitors are responsible for their own personal safety and for assessing their own abilities to complete the course. Neither Southern Navigators, the landowner or British Orienteering can be held liable for any accident or other incident arising while undertaking the event. Participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event - including clothing appropriate for the conditions, and if required, a means of summoning assistance (e.g. phone or whistle).
After forest orienteering, please check thoroughly for ticks and remove immediately if you find them. Lyme Disease is on the increase in the South East!
Insurance: All participants are covered by the British Orienteering third-party liability insurance policy. (NB: This is not a personal injury policy).
Privacy: If you enter an event or activity for which we publish results your name will appear in the results section of this website. In addition we may seek to have the results published elsewhere, e.g. by local newspapers. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.