SN MapRunF League
How the league will work
- Using the MapRunF app
- Two new courses released every fortnight (long and short)
- Open for 9 days, including two weekends. We will be collating results from this time period, although you can run it at any time.
- Scoring by time and using an age/gender adjusted score (thanks to Jon Magee!)
- Approx half of results will count (eg best 5 of 9 events, best 5 of 8 events)
- Urban races which cross roads - juniors aged 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. We are looking at doing some park races more suitable for juniors.
Farnham LongUsing MapRunF
- The app can be downloaded for a smartphone, with GPS enabled. It will beep when you get to the location of the control.
- If you have a super-fancy GPS watch, you can download MapRunG and add it on there. Google it. I don't know how it works!
- The courses can be accessed by going to (e.g.) Select Event -> UK -> Surrey -> ElvethamHeath_Nov20
- You will need the PIN number for the course (see below)
- It is highly recommended that you print the pdf of the map. It's much easier than looking at a phone, and the control circles are more accurately located.
- You can run the courses without MapRunF - just print the map and go. If you want, you can submit your time (to me at, but we may give you a time penalty for not using the app!
Race | Date | Details | Maps | Results | League |
Farnham Streets | 12th Dec | Long Course 5.8km Short Course 3.2km | Long Short | Results Long Results Short | Race#3 |
Bagshot | 23rd Nov | Long Course 5.4km Short Course 3.2km Parking behind co-op see google | Long Short | Results_Long Results_Short | Race#2 |
Elvetham Heath | 14/Nov 22/Nov | Long course 5.8km (approx 8km ) - double sided map - PIN 1462 Short course 3km (approx 4.3km ) - PIN 7052 Parking- Morrisons car park, or Elvetham Heath Community Centre | Long Short | Results_long Results_short | Race#1 |